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family baking cupcakes with an ADT monitor on the counter.
September 27, 2021

How to Cut Down on False Alarms from Home Security Systems

False alarms can be a worry for your home’s defense. They could become costly and lead to home insurance premiums going up, but they don't have to go that far! You are able to reduce false alarms from your home security system by being certain that everyone in the family is trained on it. Simple things like getting text alerts to your smartphone when an alarm is tripped, integrating home automation, and selecting a security provider that uses around-the-clock monitoring will stop first responders from going to your property because of a false alarm.

Educate Family Members On Your Home Security System

In the event you have adolescents present, be certain they know how to operate the security features and they are aware that it's vitally important to the safety of your home. If you keep pets in the house, it’s smart to demonstrate what will occur if the alarm goes off - the majority of home systems emanate a high-pitched noise out of audio components when a sensor is triggered. You can help your animals to remain calm.

Set Up Smartphone Notifications So You Are Able To Determine If You’re Having A False Alarm

A smartphone notification won't stop a false security alarm, but it can keep first responders from hurrying to your house. Advanced installations like those from ADT can transmit text alerts straight to your mobile device from your security app when the home security system is triggered. It's a nice benefit when you're not on-site to know instantly when your alarms go off. If you have surveillance systems, you can assess the threat and determine if there’s anything to worry about.

Use Automation To Disarm Your Home Security System

Utilizing home automation with your property’s defense is a smart choice to minimize false alarms. One of the main reasons for false alarms is owing to the fact that the system is accidentally still engaged when you're home. Go through one of your home’s entry points, and a sensor is tripped. But you are able to deactivate your system per a predetermined schedule, including when your kids get off the bus from school. If incorporating an automated element like an entry lock, you are even able to instruct your system to disable every time the lock is initiated with the proper PIN.

Use 24-7 Monitoring As A False Alarm Backup

An effective method to minimize false alarms is by using a home alarm company that has 24-7 monitoring. These dedicated professionals will investigate your activated alarms if they detect any activity going on at your property. Once determined, they can call you to make sure it isn’t a false alarm. If you do in fact have a false alarm, they will remotely reset your system. If there is any indication that you have an intruder, your monitoring agent will advise law enforcement.

Install An ADT Alarm System To Minimize False Security Alarms

It is important to remember that a home security system won’t curb all criminal activity, but it can help you feel safer and make your house more secure. And ADT has advanced automation and around-the-clock monitoring that will reduce the frequency of false alarms. Dial 833-319-7449 or complete the form on this page and one of our representatives will assist you in creating your ideal residential security package.